I'm like my computers, long in tooth! I have been using a Powerbook 190 to drive my midi music setup
which provides rhythm backing for my guitar playing. My latest powerbook is dying and I've run out of
organ replacement parts so have decided to upgrade to G3, yes, I did say upgrade!
Now, I've got hold of a white G3 which has a couple of keys missing but those can easily be replaced.
What the main problem is that trying to set it up to accept a Yamaha UX16 interface, the whole
computer crashed. I managed to re-install the OSX 10.3.5 from discs supplied by the seller of the G3,
but I'm stumped trying to re-build the OS9 (Classic) which is essential to my Encore music program
and OMS. I have no discs and after several days searching have been unable to find anything workable
on the internet.
What I badly need is the loan or purchase of a OS9 installation disc, and am resorting to this forum to
try and locate one.
Can anyone help?
Deigh Davies