I was sent the letter below tonight. If anyone can help, please contact Barry directly. He is happy to have his request posted up here. His email is pwhit@xtra.co.nz
This is just a general enquiry regarding an old Mac, a Performa 5400 and I discovered on a website that you were interested in them, but I don't know if that is still the case.
My old Mac was started up recently and seemed to work ok but when I tried it again this morning, nothing.
There is the usual Mac chimes as if it would start up but nothing after that, even the monitor does not display which it had done previously.
The thing is, there is an old Claris Works (I still have the program discs) file on the Mac that I would like to get off but I tried to write it to floppy disc when I had started the Mac previously but it would not write. Is there anyway of accessing the hard drive to retrieve the file?
I don't know if you can help or would be interested but if I can retrieve the file somehow that would be great and I would be happy for you to keep the Mac and accessories (Global Village modem etc.) if you are interested.
If you are unable to help with the Mac, would you have any contacts that may be able to help in someway.
Your help in this would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Barry Whitfield