C= new addition

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C= new addition

Postby WelshWizard on Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:18 pm

Just gone for this
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =501814416
I remember some time ago reading that the best time to buy classic computers was winter time, and sell in summer, seems to be right, as I have noticed the price on the C= drop from the $90 plus to anything from $30 to $60 with all the bits.

any one else noticed this happening?
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Re: C= new addition

Postby Gibsaw on Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:28 am

Looks like the guy selling it had his video input set incorrectly on the TV.
"dsakey" on trademe. Apple II's are my thing.
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Re: C= new addition

Postby WelshWizard on Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:23 pm

Arrived today seems to run fine with the C= monitor I have,Colour seems good! but when I run the C64c diagnostic cartridge it claims the PLA chip is faulty, along with U12, U21,U22,U23,and U24chips when I ran the dead test cart it came back with Colour ram BAD, Kernel Ram Bad, U6 Bad and U4 bad,
however I tried the disk drive that came with and that is def faulty, used anther disk Drive( a 1541 drive) I have and it loaded the game up fine, the tape drive when I type load asks for me to press play and it then IDs the program on tape then after 8 second starts to load the program after what seem like an eternity the ready cursor comes up.

apart from this it came with some good programs, plus some Amiga A500 stuff and also some Tandy 80 bits.
so in all happy with what I got and at the price paid.
paid more for C= stuff in the passed and its been totally dead.
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Re: C= new addition

Postby Carcenomy on Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:07 pm

Opened the 64C up yet? You might get a suprise and find a B3 revision board in it like both my 64Cs have. If your diagnostic cartridge is configured for later chips it may not correctly detect the older ones?

Good score. I picked up another 1541 the other day dirt, dirt cheap in one of those cases where it looked real cheap so I dropped a bid on it and forgot about it expecting to be outbid then ended up with it. Blown UB2 IC, swapped the drive controller from another 1541 with an alignment issue and bingo, reads everything mint. Seem to have a hell of a battle keeping 1541s together, they all fail in much the same way where the controller is good and the mechanism has failed in some way.
Just the local Commodore hobo and middle-aged PC hoarder.
eisa on Trademe. A lasting reminder of a Compaq fetish when I was younger.
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Re: C= new addition

Postby WelshWizard on Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:55 pm

not had it open yet, I do think there is a colour problem, but not all the fault the cartridges list, so will have to find out which board revision it is, in order to make a better call on what is wrong.
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