Dick Smith System 80 part wanted

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Dick Smith System 80 part wanted

Postby tezza on Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:10 am


I've decided to restore what was a parts-only junk System 80 (Video
Genie) to a fully working condition, and one that's attractive to look
at too. A couple of steps along the way are documented here...

http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blo ... er-fix.htm
http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blo ... te-fix.htm

The final stage is to replace the case. I have a spare (yellowed)
case which I'll be giving the RetroBrite treatment. However it also
needs one of these (see pic in URL below)

http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blo ... holder.jpg

Does anyone on this list have a damaged, junk System 80 or Video Genie
case they haven't thrown out yet with one of these holders still on
it? If so, can I have it. I'm happy to pay $5 or so for the holder and
postage too of course.

If you have a whole completely undamaged and unmodified (no holes
drilled in it) case I'd be even MORE interested, but it's highly
unlikely people would want to give these up.

Here's hoping there is someone out there that can help.

I may sell this unit after restoration but I haven't made a decision on that yet.


Terry (Tez)
Tez (Terry Stewart) (Administrator)
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