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Guestbook (Click here to see the previous guestbook) Guestbook no. 2
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90) Stuart Johnson  Male
Middlebury Vermont
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Saturday, 22 December 2018 01:30 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

As an expat Aussie I love your online videos and enthusiasm on all your computers. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous you have a wonderful collection I stubbled onto your videos via youtube a year or so ago and still playing catchup. As it’s close to Christmas hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
89) Charles Hudson  Male
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
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Tuesday, 4 December 2018 07:14 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Greetings, Terry!

I've seen your postings on VCFED and recently saw one on the subject of using ADT to transfer to an Apple IIgs. Came by here to look for a link but couldn't find it. Ah, well.


Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 4 December 2018 12:34 PM
Hi Charles, I didn't write specifically about it apart from here: []
88) Matthias  Male
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Saturday, 24 November 2018 02:14 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

After being "infected" by a CBM 3016 around 1980, my first owned machine was a Colour Genie in 1982. Very good memories, even got it off the attic recently, hooked up to a 50" flatscreen... still the same blurry screen lol But: my youngest >really< enjoyed playing Frogger and others, and I played Invasion for the first time in decades. Hard to get the software onto the machine, so started a software cassette player: did not want to have all these WAV files but play directly from CAS selection lists. Maybe make it a bit more polished and flexible, then make available for download. Anyone knows regarding copyright still active on these tapes? Doubt it, but you never know.

Tezza, thanks for this nice site, I think I have to get some software running and also find out which manuals or books I still have, not to forget the old Z80 books. Some might be in my parents attic still, unfortunately far away at the other end of Germany), but I should get this packed in one place here.

Keep up the nice site!
87) Preet Sangha  Male
New Zealand
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Sunday, 2 September 2018 12:21 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Just saw the TRS80 from 77! That was the first computer I ever touched! Wrote my first ever program on in 78! Still programming to this day.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
86) Dag Erik Hagesæter  Male
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Sunday, 12 August 2018 12:51 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Greate site. I like the way you document your projects. Keep'em coming.

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 26 March 2019 08:21 PM
Thank you Dag!
85) Simon  Male
Exeter, UK
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Sunday, 6 May 2018 09:21 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi Terry,

Great site! Great videos on YT. Hope all is well with you and keep up the good work!

Kind regards,


Terry Send E-mail Tuesday, 26 March 2019 08:19 PM
Thanks for the support Simon!
84) Matthew 
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Thursday, 26 April 2018 01:41 PM IP: Write a comment Send E-mail

I have been doing some searching on an old Telecom computer I have in the garage. found out it is a ICL one per desk from your site. Any ideas on how much it is worth as I need to clean some space. It is an awfully big and heavy machine.

Terry Send E-mail Monday, 30 April 2018 09:29 PM
Hi Matthew,

Hard to say really. They are somewhat collectible and interesting but they are not regarded as classics. Anything between $50 and $300 maybe?
83) William Trader  Male
California USA
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Sunday, 25 February 2018 10:03 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Learned a lot about systems I could not afford as a kid and young adult. Thanks for the well made videos.

Terry Stewart Saturday, 3 March 2018 10:33 AM
Thanks for the support William
82) ttzo 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36
Friday, 29 December 2017 05:35 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

hello, i read your post about eprom
its nice, i have a problem with
programming RTC DS1216D
do you have any info how buy used ALL-11
programmer? or other way for programming

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Saturday, 17 February 2018 03:56 PM
Sorry, I don't have any info on these.
81) Patrick McLauglin  Male
Oregon, USA
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Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:08 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Absolutely marvelous work and documentation your doing. I particularly gleaned a lot of education from your 8" Floppy Drive effort.

I designed an IBM format compatible controller (FDC-10) for the Apple II back in the late 80's that allowed an Apple to read and write to FM & MFM formatted discs from CP/M and the up and coming IBM of the time. I had lots of fun doing so, but soon after focused on the DaynaFile that did the same, but for the Mac.

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Saturday, 17 February 2018 03:55 PM
Thanks for the support Patrick
80) Andreas  Male
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Thursday, 7 December 2017 04:01 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Hey Terry,

I love your YouTube channel. But been a while though since you made a new video. I hope all is fine with you and this real-life thing (I heard about wink ) doesn't pin you down, preventing showing new (old of course!) hardware reviews.

Well it's December, so alrwady a Happy Christmas and good New Year!

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:32 PM
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the Xmas message. Same to you! Hopefully 2018 will be the year I'll get a window where I can make a video or two.
79) Jason Weber  Male
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Monday, 23 October 2017 02:59 PM IP: Write a comment Send E-mail

G'day Terry.
Just pulled a DS Sys80 out of mothballs. Turns on (Power LED) but thats it. Hitting F1 enables the cassette desk to operate.
Troubleshooting in the manual points to a DS549 Transistor (which I can find no reference for online).
Only if you have time, would it be possible to flick me an email and maybe help troubleshoot this old girl?
The Dick Smith System 80 was my childhood computer and I'd love to be able to get it up and running again.
78) Nigel Burrell  Male
Christchurch, New Zealand
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Tuesday, 10 October 2017 01:00 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi Terry. Wow! I just came across your youtube video of the Spectravideo 328 and software demonstration. []

I was the one that wrote the Ghostrap game that you featured in the video. I also created a number of others game that I later realised and sold directly myself under the NBS Software label. It was very nice to see one of my most early games shown on youtube!!!

Kind regards,

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:25 PM
Great! Thanks for leaving a comment Nigel!
77) Fritz Chwolka  Male
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Wednesday, 26 July 2017 07:13 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi Terry, I love your system-80 page as you write it like a adventure. smile
I just like to tell that in germany there was a large community using TRS-80, Komtek and Video Genie (the system-80 named Video-Genie) imported by TCS. TCS made some modern computers compatible to the Video Genie but faster and made for CP/M and NEWDOS. They where the Genie-III, Genie-IIs, Genie-IIIs and the Speedmaster. The last 3 were designed by Uwe Boeker who studied mathematics in 1983. As they where made in Germany most documents are in german language. I saved them at [] .

So thanks for your side I like to visit if I've time.

Best Regards


Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:26 PM
Thanks for that note Fritz!
76) Jordon  Male
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Tuesday, 4 July 2017 10:18 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

I've seen some of Terry's videos on youtube, and only today did I happen upon this website looking for information on writing disk images to floppies for my Mac SE FDHD. It worked, which was fantastic.
My first vintage computer was a Commodore 64, which I got as a gift years ago. Witin the last year I've added a C128, an Amiga 500, and my Mac SE. One day I hope to add a classic '77 Commodore PET, and a TRS-80 Model III.
I'll certainly peruse more of this site in the coming weeks!

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:27 PM
Thanks for adding a comment to the guestbook Jordon!
75) Amanda Hambidge  Female
Birmingham, England
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Tuesday, 16 May 2017 10:53 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Interesting site, I've just dug my Video Genie out of the attic and also found my DP1000 circuit board, ( where the case went I don't know)

Any info on the DP1000 you have would be greatly appreciated, as is the site...

Amanda Hambidge

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 02:30 PM
Thanks Amanda,

I actually have one of these. I must add photos of it to the System 80 site at some stage. I may have some docs too. I'll need to do some digging...
74) Rene Astle  Male
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Saturday, 6 May 2017 10:09 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

I totally love these old school computers, they are positively retro at their finest. I'm putting together a Retro Decade Revival Project, starting at the top of the North Island of New Zealand. The years will range from the 1980s to the 19th Century. It will have a permanent effect on everybody. Our goal is to revive anything from the good old days of the past and bring them back into the mainstream. I'll raise your finances to open up an old school computer shop for you. God Bless You Dude! You rock on!

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Tuesday, 19 December 2017 01:28 PM
Thanks for the support Rene
73) Tosh  Male
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017 12:33 AM IP: Write a comment Send E-mail

Big fan of vintage keyboards.

Rene Astle Send E-mail Saturday, 3 June 2017 12:07 AM
So am I. Vintage keyboards are one of the many things I love about old school technology.
72) Aaron Brown  Male
Toledo, OH - United States
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Wednesday, 22 March 2017 09:16 AM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail


Just found your site. Wonderful! I've just started getting into classic computers as a hobby. Seeing your projects and collection is inspiring.

I've recently picked up a Texas Instruments TI-99/4a and an IBM 5150, both of which I'm in the process of restoring to like-new condition.

Hello from Toledo!
71) alan wilden  Male
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Sunday, 12 February 2017 05:28 PM Host: Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi. I have a restored atari 800 xl with the disk drive emulator. I also have a faulty 130xe. I have a working c64 a c16 and a vic20 an amiga500 and a zx81 with 16k ram pack. But most importantly. I have a mint Condition working sv-318 and tape drive. But no software. The basic is not too different from BBC or even atari. Do you have any software for this unit? I love these old machines. Thank you for your website.

Terry Stewart Send E-mail Saturday, 4 March 2017 10:50 AM
Email sent Alan
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