Downloadable Disk Images - Programs on "Memory and Diagnostic Tools" disk
This disk contains memory monitors, memory-based utilities and diagnostic tools for the '80 machines. If titles are linked, there is a manual lurking underneath.
Terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) System Utilities
Name (and filename) | Description | What to type at the dos prompt |
DR's Turbo Ram Spooler (spool/cmd) | Gives you a printer spooler in memory. By Dementia Software, 1983 | spool |
Faster (faster/cmd) | A TSR program designed to speed up basic programs. By Prosoft, 1981 | faster |
Interrupt (interrpt/cmd) | TSR run-time interrupt routine | interrpt |
Memory Utilities
Name (and filename) | Description | What to type at the dos prompt |
Tasmon v2.12 (htasmon/cmd) | A multi-featured memory utility. Edits and displays memory, and can write memory out to tape or disk. Note: this version locates itself at the top of the memory. | htasmon |
Tasmon v2.12 (tasmon/cmd) | Same as the above except this version locates itself in low memory, just after DOS. Use the same manual as above. | tasmon |
Ultratas (ultratas/cmd) | Ultramon and Tasmon combined!. By Barry Briggs (Ultramon manual) | ultratas |
DOS Shells
(and filename) |
Description | What to type at the dos prompt |
Auto Directory (autodir/cmd) | Allows you to select files with the cursor keys. | autodir |
Autoload (al/cmd) Autoload docs (autoload/doc) |
A DOS shell, which allows the selection of common functions with a single keypress. From Briggs Software, New Zealand. | al to run program read "autoload/doc" to view the documents. |
Disk Change (diskchng/bas) | Changes a few cosmetic NewDos/80 v2 things like the banner, prompt, name, date and BASIC prompt. | basic run "diskchng/bas" |
Name (and filename) | Description | What to type at the dos prompt |
System Check (syscheck/bas) | Displays System options for NewDos/80 v2 disks | basic run "syscheck/bas" |
System Diagnostic (diag/cmd) | Menu-driven program which allows you to check out your system. by Howe Software (1982) | diag |