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These visitor entries were written between 9th July 2008 and 18th April 2014.
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Philip Lord  
Saturday, 4. October 2008 00:17 Host: Send E-mail

Well, well well. I'm so excited to see Bits and Bytes scanned. This was my magazine growing up as a preteen and young teen in New Zealand. I used to love reading it from cover to cover. I even had a ZX81 game printed in the ZX81 column called Chopperdrop (I think that was the name). I can't remember which issue it was published in, and I've downloaded all your scanned issues to date and can't find it yet, so I'm very excited to see new scanned issues as they arrive. Keep up the great work and thanks for the trip down memory lane.

You're welcome Philip. I used to read them from cover to cover back in the day also. Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed. It will let you know when new scans go up.
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Mark Frater  
Thursday, 4. September 2008 15:34 Host: Send E-mail

What an awesome site. You've built up a most remarkable archive here of System80 related bits and pieces. I was a member of the Auckland TRS-80 Users Group back the early days before LAN parties and Fragfests existed. It didn't stop us lugging our machines along once a month to the Amateur Radio Club Rooms in Mt Roskill, and doing "offsite backups" of floppies. I seem to remember we even did some networking "via state of the art" null modem cables!


Mark Frater

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the note. Glad you enjoyed the site. Hard to believe we used to lug around all that gear to each other's homes or halls back in the old days.

Yes, the old null modems. You know I had a working home-built RS-232 for the System 80 that I threw out in a fit a manic cleaning a few years ago. I've regretted it ever since!

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Florida, US
Tuesday, 2. September 2008 22:36 Host:

Hi Tezza! Nice site you have here. I "grew up" in the early 80's using the TRS-80 family of computers here in the US. I guess I got my first TRS-80 (Model IV) in late 1983, and really enjoyed it. I was in my early 20's at the time, and now, in my very late 40's, find myself fondly remembering those "simpler" times in micro-computing.

Good luck with the site, it's nice chatting with you on the VCF, and why aren't you on the VCF IRC channel?

Terry Stewart:
Hi DoctorPepper,

Thanks for the positive comments. I would KILL for a Model IV!

Asynchronous VCF is about all I can manage right now, with work and family committments. Sometime in the future however... (-:
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Hardy Maxa  
Melbourne / Australia
Friday, 29. August 2008 22:24 Host:

This is great - I had a system 80 for years (actually, I only threw it out a few years ago - still working, highly expanded, but the keyboard suffering).

I do still have a system-80 rom tech manual, which details many if not all of the calls you can make into the microsoft roms for doing things like floating point maths. Interested in a copy ?

Keep up the great work. (I wish I had it back now !)


I would say 80% of all System 80s ended up being highly expanded! The owners were often hardware hackers by necessity. (-:

I've got a copy of the technical manual (2nd issue) but if you have a genuine copy of the 3rd or 1st issue, I'd love it. Send me an email at the address on the home page.
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Selwyn Arrow  
Milford North Shore NZ
Monday, 18. August 2008 16:56 IP:

Keep up the great work! The beginnings of the computer revolution needs to be remembered.
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Don French  
Maui Hawaii
Saturday, 9. August 2008 08:09 Host: Send E-mail

Great site. If you would like more information on the TRS-80, please let me know. If you do not recognize the name, I am the original creator of the TRS-80. It was my idea at Radio Shack. It was my baby and I lived through all the problems of child birth.

One of the initial pains was the companies lack of interest in the idea. In fact my job as Buyer/Product Manager was threatened by one of the executives by telling me "If you are working on that #$^&% computer, I will fire you ass". I even have comments from Jon Shirley who was the VP of Marketing in Europe at the time in response to my telexing him that I was planing a computer for the product line. As many people know, Jon became the President of Apple.

Don French

Terry Stewart (Tez):
Hi Don,

Thanks for those kind words. Nice of you to drop by, and thanks for helping to ensure the TRS-80 Model 1 became a reality.
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Eric H.  
Thursday, 17. July 2008 16:35 Host: Send E-mail

Hey Teza,
Wonderful site, glad to see you enjoying that IBM 5150… Also am glad to see others scanning in and making for download vintage computer magazines. Keep up the good work.
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Friday, 11. July 2008 13:52 Host: Send E-mail

re: System-80 site.
Something I didn't see mentioned on the site (under modifications?). I went to Waiopehu college in the 80's. At that time our "computer lab" used a network of System-80's. The network involved swapping out the eproms for a customised one that ditched the built-in machine code monitor and replaced it with software that allowed one machine with the disk-drive expansion to feed software to the other machines in the class. (Don't know what the physical connection was.)
128x48 in B/W! My son thinks a Playstation 1 is obsolete.

Terry Stewart:
Thanks for the note Matthijs. An early form of networking it would seem. If anyone knows any more about this please email and I'll add the details to the site.
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Terry Stewart (Tezza)  
New Zealand
Wednesday, 9. July 2008 18:45 IP: Send E-mail


This guestbook was opened 9th July 2008, just after the 9th anniversary of System 80 archive site. Please leave your mark.
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