Name |
Comments |
29) |
daniel lozanovski  |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 16. August 2009 21:41 Host:
2 work at atari thanx
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Ernesto Gimenez  |
ernestohgimenez(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Uruguay - Montevideo |
 Wednesday, 22. July 2009 10:28 Host:
 I´m very happy to found your images and make me fly to the past. Actualy a have to many pieces of apple iie computers and use my ppc emulator to rememeber old times. I never thik to leave my first love Apple IIe i boutght all olds machine that a can get buy now i have no space to see thats all days.
Perhaps one day a can join with you to see this amazing machines that a like.
see soon.
27) |
Frank Noergaard  |
frank_n(at)tdcadsl(dot)dk |
Location: 56,33,47.57N 9,56,27.34E (DK) |
 Tuesday, 16. June 2009 18:21 IP:
I'm sitting with a broken CBM 3032. The problem might be the ROMS. In socket "UD5" is a 901465-23, in "UD6" 901465-20, in "UD7" 901465-21, in "UD8" 901474-02 and in "UD9" ? 545?...
Do You have a c64 floppydisk with the correct and working ROM data in binary files I could borrow/buy. I'm lucky to own a SX-64 with a EPROM burning hardware
I'm looking forward to hear from You. Thanks for a greath HP...
Greetings from Frank
Terry Stewart:
Yes, I can help with this. Email sent.
26) |
Rob Thomas  |
xrobau(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Gladstone, QLD |
 Tuesday, 16. June 2009 00:42 Host:
I was just about to download a few of the System-80 'Micro-80' mags, and they're coming up with file errors... If you have them somewhere else, or can email them to me, I can host them reliably for you, without bandwidth constraints.
Terry Stewart:
Hi Robert,
Yes, I have a rented server for the documents I have on this site. This server gives me 20GB of traffic a month which I thought would be enough. Five days into the June 2009 monthly cycle though all 20GB was used up!! I now have to wait until the next reset in early July.
Thanks for the offer. I'm going to explore alternatives in case it happens again, and will bear it in mind. Until early July, 2009 if you (or anyone else) wants a specific document you can't get from the site, just email me and I'll get it on an FTP server for you.
Terry Stewart:
Actually it is 25GB a month!
25) |
Steve  |
postmaster(at)jupiter-ace(dot)co(dot)uk |
Location: uk |
 Sunday, 7. June 2009 19:07 Host:
Great site. Many thanks for the Bits & Bytes scans.
Issue 3.1 download link need changing to 2.12 as the link gives a "missing file server error"
kind regards from the Jupiter Ace Archive Team.
Terry (Tez):
Hi Steve,
Thanks, I appreciate the correction. Good to hear you enjoy the scans. (Somebody must be enjoying them because my 25GB monthly allocation has just been used up in 5 days! The documentation I have on the site must be more popular than I thought!).
P.S. The Jupiter Ace is one I want in my collection (-:
 Saturday, 23. May 2009 09:24 Host:
Thanks for the great website.
23) |
Harry  |
paul(at)pgdeng(dot)co(dot)uk |
Location: uk |
Hi tez, Ive been impressed looking at your collection, and pretty dam good it surely is! I too have many similar items, but where the heck do you keep them all, there is nothing worse than spending lots of time restoring a machine, putting it away, then one day you need to dig it out , and only to find it has deteriorated and not working. how do you store your collection? and keep thing in good order?
regards Harry
Terry Stewart (Tez):
Hi Harry,
They are stored in easy-to-access cardboard boxes in a dry room, which contains a desk I use to work on them. I'd love to have them all out on display but there is not the room for that. I can (and do) dig them out fairly regularly and give them a workout. I try to cover every unit at least once every four months or so, just to check them and keep the capacitors "fresh".
But yes, old electronics deteriorate more from non-use, than when used regularly. On occasions I've booted up only to find a fault that wasn't there before (my IBM-PC for example). Thankfully I've gained enough knowledge to fix these things (so far). The nice thing about old electronics is that issue is usually fixable. It's the diagnosis that's often the problem!
22) |
Mauritus Kleiner  |
mauritius_kleiner(at)gmx(dot)de |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 12. May 2009 08:11 Host:
I was telling my workmates about the early days of computing and they didn't beleive me that such a computer existed way back before they were born.
Thanks for the great website. It has brought back many a fond memory of my youth. I remember when they first came out, my brother and I begged and begged our dad to buy us one. We had to do all sorts of odd jobs and chores but he finally bought one for christmas. I remember it costing $780.00 and we got it from the Dick Smith store that used to be at Blakehurst NSW.
780 is a lot of money :)
Terry (Tez):
Thanks for commenting. Yes, it's easy to forget just how EXPENSIVE these things were. $780 was a lot of money back then.
And let's not even go near the cost of disk drives! (-:
21) |
Mark Csele  |
mcsele(at)computer(dot)org |
Location: Ontario, Canada |
 Sunday, 3. May 2009 14:23 Host:
Nice collection, and quite varied!
Ahhh, the joys of the OSI 24 column display using a whole 1K of RAM!
20) |
Henrik Valen  |
hv(at)msn(dot)com |
Location: Velden |
 Friday, 1. May 2009 13:02 Host:
best wishes from Germany.
19) |
Tandyman100 from the VCForums  |
JBickhard(at)GMail(dot)com |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 15. April 2009 04:20 Host:
Cool site. That bit about washing floppies in soap and water was interesting.
18) |
linuxlove from the VCF  |
Location: /dev/null |
 Sunday, 12. April 2009 11:19 Host:
ha, nice place you have here... i really love the blog posts about you repairing old computers!
Terry (Tez):
I enjoy the challenge but it can get addictive!
17) |
Stephen Franzon  |
scfranzon(at)internode(dot)on(dot)net |
Location: Adelaide |
 Tuesday, 3. March 2009 18:43 Host:
Hello Terry, I've just spent some time looking over your system-80 site. Brought back a lot of memories.
My older brother owned the system-80, but I spent a lot of time on it. Cut my teeth programming on it.
In fact, I found one of my programs on your site! I wrote poker/bas that is on the "strategy 2" disk (says Date and author unknown, but it was me). I was only 14 when I wrote it and was very happy to get $50 bucks for it from Micro-80 - it was published in issue 23, 1981 - proof it was me!!
It's a pretty basic program but it was awesome to see it and actually play via the emulator.
Thanks again,
Terry Stewart (Tez):
Glad you enjoyed the site. I've added your name to that program. I'll have to check, but I think your game was even sited on the issue 23 Micro-80 cover!
16) |
Roger Tancrell  |
rogertanc(at)post(dot)harvard(dot)edu |
Location: Massachusetts USA |
 Saturday, 28. February 2009 12:58 Host:
The superb blog by Terry entitled “Fixing a Tandon TM100 drive on a Kaypro II” (18 January 2009) opened my eyes to possibilities in my quest to align the head in my Kaypro II drive. In the blog, Philip Avery describes how he assisted Terry by using his (Philip’s) TR80 as part of the process. I e-mailed Philip and he generously described how he used a TR80 utility called “Floppy Doctor” in aligning the head. The key feature of Philip’s resourceful approach was to keep the head positioned on a single track as the disk spun continuously.
I suspect that something similar could be done in CP/M Kaypro. In the Microsoft Basic manual that came with the Kaypro, there’s a description (in Appendix H) of commands that seem suitable. On careful reading, I discover that those commands are in “Stand Alone Basic”. That utility was not included in my software bundle (to my knowledge), although it’s included in the manual.
Here are my questions:
Does anyone have a copy of “Stand Along Basic”? Or who might be familiar with the DSKI$ command? Alternatively, does anyone know of a disk utility that can hold the head on one track while the disk is spinning? I am looking for an approach that does not require TR80/”FloppyDoctor” as part of this key step in the aligning process.
I am impressed by the ingenuity of Philip and Terry in accomplishing their goal. And I really appreciate the fine description in the blog.
Terry Stewart (Tez):
Thanks for those comments Roger. Kaypro IIs are great machines! Hope you can find the program you're looking for.
15) |
Terry  |
tgrnn(at)bigpond(dot)com |
Location: Adelaide S.A. |
 Monday, 23. February 2009 19:06 IP:
Hi Terry,
Just thought I'd let you know that I downloaded the 64k memory upgrade by john glibert and co from your site and that describes the memory upgrade by replacing the 4116 chips with 4164 chips giving 48k of memory available.
for reference the chips I used were OKI MSM4164-12, i have found that TI chips dont work (they use full 8 bit refresh).
to date mods i have done:
* toggle switch for cassette drive
* atari interface to keyboard to use arrow keys
* 48k memory upgrade (using 64k memory chips
* replaced 5V regulator with higher rating (LM323K)
* replaced diodes in power supply with low drop schottky to give slightly higher output voltage (unloaded the powersupply came up approx 1 volt)
* removed 1 wait state from memory timing (64k chips were 120ns instead of 250ns in the machine, one unit black label had 400ns chips)
future projects:
* internal printer interface and drive interface (I have built an SVD to use once completed interface)
* clock speed up (have built up board using instructions published in micro-80 magazine)
* modify display circuitry to display reverse character, under line, blinking characters
* hires graphics
* maybe an IDE interface (once I get my EPROM programmer working)
Anyway keep up the good work!
Great Stuff!!
Take pictures of the mods and email them through when done.
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John  |
glunk71(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au |
Location: sydney |
 Tuesday, 3. February 2009 18:54 Host:
I was telling my workmates about the early days of computing and they didn't beleive me that such a computer existed way back before they were born.
Thanks for the great website. It has brought back many a fond memory of my youth. I remember when they first came out, my brother and I begged and begged our dad to buy us one. We had to do all sorts of odd jobs and chores but he finally bought one for christmas. I remember it costing $780.00 and we got it from the Dick Smith store that used to be at Blakehurst NSW.
Terry Stewart (Tez):
You are welcome John,
$780.00 was a lot of money those days too!!
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Costantino Serpagli  |
ieiatino(at)alice(dot)it |
Location: Italy |
 Saturday, 10. January 2009 11:50 Host:
First class collection. All working Wow! Congratulation !
Nice web site as well. I am a Vintage Computer and calculator collector.
I will probably ask Your help to fix an Osborne that started to smoke...
Terry Stewart (Tez):
Might be the same problem that my Osborne had...a blown capacitor in the power supply. If so, it's easy to recognise which one and replace it.
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David  |
turnkit(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 4. December 2008 22:24 IP:
Great blog on your diskette transfers. Did you look into and try getting a Catweasel?
No, but Catweasel was on the list if all else failed. It seems like a good product.
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Ken  |
vk4akp(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au |
Location: Ipswich / Qld / Australa |
 Saturday, 29. November 2008 19:34 Host:
Hi!. Fantastic site!. Thank you so much for maintaining it.
I am looking for a System 80 / Video Genie for my retro collection if you can help? Please keep your eye's out for me. :)
Ken - Retro Computer Cult
Help Save Binary history with Catweasel!
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John (willowmoon93)  |
Location: NE Wisconsin -- United States |
 Wednesday, 15. October 2008 22:02 Host:
Hi Tez,
Definitely love the site -- very easy to navigate around and very interesting info about how you came about getting these particular acquisitions. Never knew you owned a Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P, WOW!!!
TTYL - willowmoon93 (from VCF)
Terry Stewart (Tez):
Hi John,
Thanks for the note. Yes, the OH Challenger 1 was really the micro that set me off collecting these vintage beasts. I "rediscovered" it in a closet, and realised how cool these old micros are (especially when they boot up after 25 years of dormancy)!