About this Collectors List
This list of Vintage Computer Collectors was originally compiled by Dunedin-based Commodore enthusiast Alan Gilchrist as a way to link New Zealand vintage computer owners together and to encourage and promote the hobby. In August 2009, I took over the task of hosting and maintaining this repository but the objectives originally proposed by Alan remain the same.
This new listing has a similar structure to the old with the main difference being there are associated forums and a Facebook group where we can discuss aspects of our hobby. Please feel free to use them.
Getting Registered
If you a New Zealand Vintage Computer Collector and want your name added to one of the lists above just send me a few details (NZ Collectors only please). I'll let you know when you're listed.
Updating your details
At the moment updating is still a manual process, but this may be more interactive in the future. For now, if you are already registered and want your information changed, just email me with the changes.
Terry Stewart (Tez)
(Site last edited 20th July, 2022)