22nd December, 2024. Added a File Conversion Service.

24th June, 2024. Updated my Collection Pages.

27th October, 2023. Added the Micro-80 Expansion Unit User Manual to the System 80 Site.

5th January, 2023. Updated the Emulators Page.

22nd December, 2022. Updated the Front Page.

18th December, 2022. Wrote the fourth section of a multi-paged article about my Life in two Graphical Chat Environments (Worlds Chat and The Palace) from 1995-2002 (Part 4)

17th December, 2022. Wrote the third section of a multi-paged article about my Life in two Graphical Chat Environments (Worlds Chat and The Palace) from 1995-2002 (Part 3)

16th December, 2022. Wrote the second section of a multi-paged article about my Life in two Graphical Chat Environments (Worlds Chat and The Palace) from 1995-2002 (Part 2 )

15th December, 2022. Wrote the first section of a multi-paged article about my Life in two Graphical Chat Environments (Worlds Chat and The Palace) from 1995-2002 (Part 1)

4th September 2022. Added an article on the mis-alignment of a full-height floppy disk drive due to a loose stepper motor coupling.

12th August, 2022. Updated NZ Bits and Bytes September 1982 (Issue 1 - had 4 missing pages) and Dec/Jan 1982/83 - (Issue 4 had 2 duplicate pages) in the NZ Bits and Bytes Archive

25th July, 2022. Updated the Dick Smith System 80 site with some tweaks on the Genie III page.

12th March, 2022. Added some Dick Smith software to the System 80 Website. See Updates.

7th February, 2022. Added the Dick Smith Accounts Receivable manual to the System 80 website along with some tweaks to the emulators page. See Updates.

27th October, 2021. Added an article on the second New Zealand Lower North Island Vintage Computer Meeting.

16th August, 2021. Added more information and photos on the DP1000, and expansion unit for the Video Genie/System 80. Also discussed a similar expansion interface for the Colour Genie.

6th May, 2021. Added an article on a New Zealand Lower North Island Vintage Computer Meeting.

28th April, 2021. Added Meteor Mission II, a TRS-80 port to the Sorcerer software archive page (see updates at the bottom of the page).

5th April, 2021. Updated the Classic Computers Emulators page.

1st April, 2021. In the past few months added a number of ported TRS-80 programs, plus the manuals for CADAS and the BASIC Compiler to the Sorcerer software archive page (see updates at the bottom of the page).

29th September, 2020. Added a link to Dick Smith's Getting to know Personal Computers in the Dick Smith System 80 Manuals section. Many thanks to Michael Mulhern for scanning this and uploading to the Internet Archive.

20th August, 2020. Wrote a blog post - Part 2 of diagnosing and fixing an NEC PC-8201a RS-232 fault.

12th August, 2020. Wrote a blog post on Acquiring, Checking out and repairing a pimped-out IBM PC (5150).

16th June, 2020. Wrote a blog post - Part 1 of diagnosing and fixing an NEC PC-8201a RS-232 fault.

9th June, 2020. Added CADAS, a Cassette-Disk database system to the Sorcerer software archive page (see updates at the bottom of the page).

20th May, 2020. Added some utilities and manuals to the Sorcerer software archive page (see updates at the bottom of the page).

10th May, 2020. Added more software to the Sorcerer software archive page (see updates at the bottom of the page).

23rd April, 2020. Wrote a review on the SD2PET Future storage solution for the Commodore PET.

5th April, 2020. Wrote a blog post on a TRS-80 Model 4 drive re-alignment.

1st and 2nd April, 2020. Made a few updates to the System 80 site. See the what's new page.

2nd June, 2019. Added a number of bits and pieces to the System 80 site. See the "what's new" page.

29th January, 2019. Added the Exatron Stringy Floppy Manual (1980 and 1982 versions) to the System 80 website. Linked under Hardware Expansion Options.

7th January, 2019. Added a number of Scott Adams games and other software/resources to the Exidy Sorcerer software archive site.

3rd January, 2019. Added Characters, Plot and Wilderness to the Exidy Sorcerer software archive site.

1st January, 2019. Added Tank Trap manual and Magic Maze to the Exidy Sorcerer software archive site.

27th December, 2018. Added 18 more programs to the Exidy Sorcerer software archive site. See the "Latest Updates" section at the bottom of the page.

27th August, 2018. Added an article on Viscount Electronics which, in 1980, was the second retail computer store to open in New Zealand. This article includes an audio interview with the owner, Frank Goldingham.

7th August, 2018. Added some more instructions/manuals for various games to the Exidy Sorcerer software archive.

18th June, 2018. Found a better emulator for my Atari ST (i.e. Steem SSE), and added a link to it on the emulators page.

6th June, 2018. Added some more software to the Sorcerer archive. Debug, Flite, Nike II and The Count.

12th April, 2018. Made the photos on my collection pages clickable through to a much larger image. Now these computers can be seen in their full glory!

30th March, 2018. A very short article on one of the few Windows 10 virtualisation packages that can still handle floppy disk images.

9th March, 2018. Added the Worp9 word processor manual to the Dick Smith Software page on the Dick Smith System 80 website

9th March, 2018. Added a writeup from Garry (Gazza) Howarth on the freHDaptor, to the Dick Smith System 80 website. The freHDaptor is a card which allows the System 80/Video Genie to use the freHD hard disk emulator.

6th March, 2018. Wrote a blog article "NTSC Atari 800 shows good video on "modern" PAL monitors using a UAV video upgrade board"

4th March, 2018. Added information and photos to the "Sound Off!" entry on the System 80 website.

28th February, 2018. Classic-computers.org.nz is now "Secure" (as in https:// secure).

26th February, 2018. Added an Atari 800 to the collection. Added a photo and some text to the same collection page as the Atari 400.

6th February, 2018. Wrote an article on how to configure USB flash drives in MS-DOS and Windows 98.

31st January, 2018. Corrected a mistake in the footnote section of the System 80 Models and Variants page on the DS System 80 site. The C/Micro seems to been distributed by "Control Electronics Ltd." not "Dynamic Applications".

30th January, 2018. Added information on another System 80 accessory to the System 80 website. The Fred sound/music synthesizer.

16th January, 2018. Added some program screenshots, and a few more links to disk and cassette images on the Dick Smith Software page. This page lives on the System 80 website.

14th January, 2018. Rescued an old Dick Smith business package (Accounts Receivable) from 1980 disks. Disk images were then made available on the System 80 Website. Another piece of Dick Smith System 80 history archived!

11th January, 2018. Added some information on the General Northern Microcomputers Ltd. DP1000 to the System 80 site. This is an expansion option for the System 80 and Video Genie.

10th January, 2018. Added a full schematic of the green screen X-1198 Dick Smith monitor to the System 80 website. This is linked in the Expansion Options section. The PDF was kindly provided by George Kirkham. Also added hi-res top and bottom images of the Syspand 80 Expansion Unit circuit board, in the same section.

May 22nd, 2017. Updated a few articles. I...

April 15th, 2017. Added a series of blog articles Adventures with an 8 inch (8”) disk drive (Ongoing...)

March 18th, 2017. Added a blog article "Eaca Colour Genie Auckland User Group Newsletters March 1984 to March 1986"

February 25th, 2017. Added a blog article "PA SITE: An Archaeological Simulation for New Zealand Schools (for the Apple II)"

January 30th, 2017. Added a software archive for the Exidy Sorcerer

January 9th, 2017. Added an article titled "New capacitors and replacement RAM breathe life into a Polycorp Poly 1"

December 28th, 2016. Diagnosed an issue with my two VIC-20 datasettes and wrote it up as a short article.

December 27th, 2016. Yet more work on the System 80 website. Added a picture of a doubler board on an X4020 expansion interface mainboard. It's linked to the discussion on the expansion interface. Also added a short PDF showing some Video Genie advertisements linked to the Video Genie page, and a second review of the Colour Genie, linked to its page.

December 26th, 2016. More work on the System 80 website. Added a detailed step-by-step guide (PDF) to 64k memory expansion written in 2015. The guide is linked to the first alternative method described here. Also added an advertisement for the Jenson and Parr GraphCard linked in the hardware modifications section.

Another set of additions was a PDF of selected pages from the first New Zealand Dick Smith catalogue, and the whole 1981 Dick Smith catalogue. These were linked to the Promotions page.

Finally I added a top-view close-up image of a naked and extremely modded System 80 in the ROMDOS/80 page.

December 26th, 2016. Added a 2015 document on how to expand the memory of the Dick Smith System 80, linked from this page.

December 25th, 2016. Added a scan of The CHALLENGER 1P Technical Report to the site.

December 24th, 2016. Added the manual to Paymaster, a Dick Smith software release listed in the DS software section of the Dick Smith System 80 section.

December 22nd, 2016. Added a note on the MicroMint Disk-80 Expansion Unit to the System 80 site, and added the manual

December 16th, 2016. Updated the list of classic computer emulators

October 23rd, 2016. Added a new computer to the collection. The Poly 1

October 8th, 2016. Added an article titled "Acquiring a Poly 1: A dedicated school computer from New Zealand"

June 30th, 2016. Added a new computer to the collection. An iMac G3 (Bondi Blue)

January 12th, 2016. Added an article titled "Adding colour composite video to the BBC (b) Microcomputer"

January 3rd, 2016. Added an article titled "Adding composite video to a Sinclair ZX81"

December, 27th, 2015. Added an article titled "Replacing broken keys on an Apple IIe Platinum"

December 22nd, 2015. Added an article titled "No video in an Apple IIe"

December 15th, 2015. Added an article titled " Repairing an Apple II+ motherboard"

November 30th, 2015. Added an article titled "Repairs to my Apple II Europlus (again!)"

November 28th, 2015. Added an article titled "Testing computers in a computer collection. Here's what usually happens..."

October 9th, 2015. Added an article titled "An Amstrad external floppy disk drive (FD-1) adventure"

September 25th, 2015. More Amstrad, this time acquiring, repairing and stocking up an Amstrad CPC6128

August 4th, 2015. Wrote a blog article on acquiring my Amstrad CPC 464

July, 2015. Revamped all pages on the classic-computers.org.nz domain to make them suitable for mobile. At the same time revamped the Dick Smith System 80 web and added new material on the Models and Hardware Images pages on same. This was part of a RetroChallenge project

24th July, 2015. Added the last issue of 1987 New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the archive

14th June, 2015. Added the November issue of 1987 New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the archive

13th June, 2015. Added an article on a recent acquisition: the Atari SIO2SD disk drive emulator

8th June, 2015. Added a YouTube video on the Amstrad CPC 464

7th June, 2015. Updated the Emulators page

7th June, 2015. Added a new model to the Collection area - The Amstrad CPC 464

7th June, 2015. The August, September and October editions of New Zealand Bits and Bytes is now in the archive

15th May, 2015. Added an article titled "Apple Macintosh Plus checkerboard screen repair"

3rd May, 2015. Added an article titled "Screwed up characters from a TRS-80 Model 1 (Level 1 BASIC)"

28th April, 2015. Added the July 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the archive

28th April, 2015. Added an article titled "Replacing leaky capacitors in a Macintosh SE/30: this time with modern SMD ones"

21st April, 2015. Added the June 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the archive

9th April, 2015. Added the May 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits & Bytes to the archive

1st April, 2015. Added the April 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits & Bytes to the archive

23rd March, 2015. Added the Mac Plus to my collection section.

22nd March, 2015. Added the March 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits & Bytes to the archive

15th March, 2015. Added an article titled "Original Dick Smith System 80 Mark 1 lives again!"

13th March, 2015. Added an article titled "Radio Shack TRS-80 Level 1 BASIC Model 1 resurrection"

13th March, 2015. Added some more links to German resources to the Video Genie section of the System 80 site.

12th March, 2015. Added the February 1987 edition of New Zealand Bits & Bytes to the archive

23rd December, 2014. Added an article titled "Xmas Rescue for an Apple Mac Plus and several Apple IIe Platinums"

26th November, 2014. A guest on the 27th Floppy Days Podcast talking about OSI computers.

24th November, 2014. Interviewed on the 26th Floppy Days Podcast.

4th October, 2014. Added a Youtube video on Dot Matrix Printers.

17th August, 2014. Added an article titled "The XT-CF-Lite card: Future-proofing the hard drive capability of my PC-XT-class machines"

31st July, 2014. Completed Retrochallenge 2014 Summer Challenge which involved adventures with a Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P.

30th June, 2014. I've entered the Retrochallenge 2014 Summer challenge (even though it is the depths of winter down here!). Here is the progress blog.

28th June, 2014. Added a Youtube video on the Texas Instruments TI-99/4a.

20th June, 2014. Added an article titled "The HxC floppy disk drive emulator: A fine replacement for a faulty Amiga 500 disk drive"

14th June, 2014. Added an article titled "502, 540 and 542 Ohio Scientific Instruments (OSI) boards: Old school computing circa 1978"

9th June, 2014. Tidied up the menus on the site to make them more consistent.

30th May, 2014. Added the user manual for the System 80 MKII business model to the user manuals section of the Dick Smith System 80 site.

26th May, 2014. Added an article titled "Replacing the capacitors on a Macintosh Classic II"

17th May, 2014. Added an article titled "Pimping a TRS-80 Model 4 with a FreHD hard disk emulator"

25th April, 2014. Added a replacement guestbook.

14th April, 2014. Added a Youtube video on the Commodore 16 and Plus/4.

6th April, 2014. added an article titled "Replacement disk drives for a TRS-80 Model 1 or Dick Smith System 80: The HxC SD Floppy Disk Drive Emulator"

29th March, 2014. Added a review of the SD2IEC. I'll never have to download D64s/PRGs or shuffle those floppy disks again!

23rd March, 2014. Re-done video on the IBM PC posted on YouTube.

7th March, 2014. Added the Commodore 16 and Plus/4 to the Collection section.

22nd February, 2014. Posted articles on a newly acquired TI-99/4A in my Collection section and Projects and Articles space.

22nd February, 2014. Re-done videos on the Atari 400, Osborne 1 and Dick Smith System 80 all uploaded to my YouTube video channel.

10th January, 2014. Added an article on a new acquisition, The Ohio Scientific Inc. Challenger 4P.

5th January, 2014. Added re-done HD videos on the Commodore Pet and Apple II+ to my YouTube video channel.

20th December, 2013. Added an article on a new acquisition which gave me more authentic parts for my IBM XT.

15th December, 2013. Added a video on the Panasonic JD-850M and a re-done HD video on the TRS-80 Model 1 to my YouTube video channel.

22nd November, 2013. Added an article on a new acquistion: The Panasonic JD-850M. Also added this model to the official collection site.

22nd November, 2013. Videos now available on my Apple Macintosh 128, Telecom Computerphone, Spectravideo 728, Amiga 500, Apple IIGS, Atari 1040ST, IBM PS/2 30-286, Compaq SLT/286, Macintosh SE/30, Macintosh 145b, Acorn 4000 and a 386 PC-compatible running Windows 3.11. These can be seen on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/tezzaNZ/videos

1st June, 2013. Added videos on the TRS-80 Model 4, the Sinclair QL, the Epson QX-10 and the IBM AT

1st June, 2013. Added an article on a new acquisition, the Epson QX-10

6th May, 2013. Added and article on a screen replacement in a TRS-80 Model 4

6th May, 2013. Added videos on the Spectravideo 318, the IBM XT and the Mattel Aquarius

1st April, 2013. Added the Acorn A4000 to my collection.

1st April, 2013. A lot more YouTube videos are now available including the TRS-80 Model 1, Atari 400, Osborne 1, Dick Smith System 80, IBM 5150, Sinclair ZX-81, Commodore Vic 20, TRS-80 Colour Computer, Epson HX-20, BBC Microcomputer, Kaypro II, Sinclair ZX-Spectrum, EACA Colour Genie, Apple IIe, NEC 8201a, Atari 800XL, Commodore 64, Commodore SX-64 and Apple Lisa 2.

?? March, 2013. Added a Macintosh 128 to my collection.

20th February, 2013. Added an article titled "Saving Dick Smith System 80 disk software"

15th January, 2012. Added an article titled "Is UV light necessary for the re-yellowing of Retr0Bright (or RetroBright) treated plastics?"

24nd November, 2012. Made a YouTube video of my Commodore PET

22nd November, 2012. Made a YouTube video of my Apple II+ (and clones)

16th November, 2012. Made a YouTube video of my Exidy Sorcerer

10th November, 2012. Made a YouTube video of my Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P

4th November, 2012. Made a YouTube video for the front page and also to promote the site

2nd November, 2012. Added Facebook, Google+ and Twitter links to pages on the site

29th October, 2012. Added an article titled "The CFFA3000: The ultimate Apple IIGS companion"

22nd October, 2012. Added an article titled "EPROMS: The minimum you need to know to burn your own"

17th October, 2012. Added an article titled "An Altair Emulator for the TRS-80 Model III" by Philip Avery"

10th October, 2012. Reorganised the Projects and Articles Index Page

9th October, 2012. Added an article titled "A quick look at the Acorn BBC b MMC solid state disk drive"

6th October, 2012. Added an article titled "New acquisition - External 40-track, double-sided 5.25 inch drive for anything that needs it"

10th September, 2012. Updated the classic computers emulator page.

2nd September, 2012. Added an article titled "Apple IIGS: All together again at last!".

21st August, 2012. Added an Apple IIGS to the collection section.

3rd August, 2012. Changed the top pages so they are more consistent with the bulk of the website.

29th July, 2012. Added an article titled "Dead TRS-80 Model 1 monitor now lives"

5th June, 2012. Finished transferring comments in my webpages from Echo to Disqus.

29th May, 2012. Renamed my blog section "Projects and Articles".

7th May, 2012. Added a blog entry titled "My 2012 vintage computer switch on and test"

7th April, 2012. Added the remaining 1986 issues of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

5th April, 2012. Added the 1986 July issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

4th April, 2012. Added the 1986 May issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

25th March, 2012. Added the 1986 September issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

25th March, 2012. Added the 1986 June issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

23rd March, 2012. Added the 1986 April issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

20th March, 2012. Added the 1986 March issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

17th March, 2012. Added the 1986 January/February issue of New Zealand Bits and Bytes to the download archive

15th March, 2012. Added a blog article titled Kitting out a Sinclair QL with Toolkit 2

12th March, 2012. Added a blog article titled New 80-track, double-sided drives for my BBC(b)

3rd March, 2012. Added an interview with Michael Molloy, founder of mail-order software distributor Molymerx PTY Ltd.

19th January, 2012. Added a blog article titled Software for a Sinclair QL : From microdrive to disk drive

9th January, 2012. Added a blog article titled Macintosh Classic II shows vertical stripes and won't boot. A safer alternative to the "Dishwasher" solution

4th January, 2012. Finished the "disk images back to floppy" articles.

23rd December, 2011. Started a series of "how-to" articles for writing disk images back to real floppy disks. The first ones are for CP/M machines, the Apple II and the Amiga.

14th December, 2011. Added information on a floppy disk file extraction and recovery service.

11th December, 2011. Added a blog article on an RCA CDP1802 (COSMAC) trainer of unknown origin.

5th December, 2011. Added a blog article on reparing a BBC (b) Power supply .

20th November, 2011. Added a blog article titled TRS-80 Model 4 file transfer.

30th October, 2011. Added an article by Garry Howarth on a System 80 repair and ROMDOS/80 to the System 80 site.

29th October, 2011. Added a blog article titled TRS-80 Model 1 RS-232 - The puzzling case of the burnt-out baud rate generator

17th October, 2011. Added a blog article titled Commodore disk drive emulation with PETdisk - A modern-day storage and file transfer solution for the Commodore PET

26th September, 2011. Added a blog article titled The NEC PC-8281a and The Personal Application Kit - A cassette drive plus software for the NEC PC-8201a

6th August, 2011. Added a blog article titled Deleting At Ease on a Macintosh Classic II

20th July, 2011. Added a blog article titled Black and white monitor blank out: An easy fix (I think)

18th July, 2011. Added a small section on the Dick Smith Green Screen Monitor (X-1198) to the Hardware Accessories page of the System 80 site, together with a PSU schematic.

16th July, 2011. Altered the article on the RX-8800 to mention its manufacturer

15th July, 2011. Added a blog article titled Repairing two faulty Commodore PET mainboards - Part 2

14th July, 2011. Added a blog article titled Repairing two faulty Commodore PET mainboards - Part 1

4th July, 2011. Added a blog article titled Upgrading ROMS with EPROMS in a Commodore PET

2nd July, 2011. Added a blog article titled Exidy Sorcerer BASIC ROM-PAC repair (Part 2) - ROM replacement with EPROM

26th June, 2011. Added a blog article titled Exidy Sorcerer BASIC ROM-PAC repair (Part 1) - Diagnosis

23rd June, 2011. Replaced the System 80 Networking ROM binary with the full dump from 3000H to 37FFH (the old one went to 35FF)

8th June, 2011. Added a blog article titled Welcoming an Exidy Sorcerer and added the Sorcerer to my Collections Website.

5th June, 2011. Added a blog article titled A massive 5.25 inch floppy disk haul.

17th May, 2011. Added a new Micro-80 scan to the Dick Smith System 80 site.

28th April, 2011. Added a blog article titled Another Apple 8-bit adventure: Restoring two Apple IIe units (Starts with Part 1 but has 5 parts).

24th April, 2011. Added a blog article titled Removing graffiti and marks from computer cases: An IBM 5151 Monochrome Monitor.

25th April, 2011. Added some new material to the System 80 site.

11th April, 2011. Replaced the IBM PS/2 photos on the Model 70 and Model 30-286 pages

4th April, 2011. Replaced the Lisa photo on the Lisa collections page

3rd April, 2011. Added a blog article titled Repairing Apple Lisa 2 512k Memory Boards (Error 70)

5th March, 2011. Added a blog article titled Repairing and Rejuvenating an Apple Lisa 2/10 (Macintosh XL)

4th March, 2011. Added a blog article titled Downloadable games and other software for the Commodore Pet

26th February, 2011. Added an interview with Murray Balchin, inventor of the System 80 networking schools modification to the System 80 site.

3rd February, 2011. Updated parts of the System 80 website. Added the last two "missing" Micro-80 issues (Vol 1 #5 and #9) to the Micro 80 download section and added some more Dick Smith advertisements.

21st January, 2011 - Added a blog article titled De-yellowing computers with laundry whiteners (i.e. sodium percarbonate) only

11th January, 2011 - Added a blog article titled Time and Date fixes for an IBM XT, a Kaypro 4 and a Pentium 1

11th January, 2011 - Added a blog article titled Salvaging an Apple Lisa 2

3rd January, 2011 - Added a blog article titled A games library for a Spectravideo 728

2nd January, 2011 - Added the Spectravideo 728 to my collection page

29th December, 2010 - Tweaked the previous blog article Fixing an Atari 400 "garbage screen" issue to include the keyboard fix

29th December, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Stocking up a Model 4 with software

20th December, 2010 - Added a blog article titled A Christmas Kaypro 4

25th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled A new Spectravideo 728

23rd November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Wellington haul - The aftermath

21st November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Sussing out a Shimasu 286-16 and also added a Planned Projects page to the blog site

20th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Exploring a Commodore PC-10 III

14th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Impressions of the Commodore PC-5

13th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Checking out three IBM PS/2 30-286s

9th November, 2010 - Added the Telecom Computerphone to the collections site

9th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Firing up a New Zealand Telecom Computerphone (aka ICL One-per-desk or OPD)!

6th November, 2010 - Added an IBM XT page to the collections site

6th November, 2010 - Added a blog article titled Repairing and Restoring an IBM XT

30th October, 2010 - Added information about a networking modification to the System 80 site

28th October, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Dick Smith System 80 video problem: Another one!

27th October, 2010 - Made the X-4020 expansion unit technical manual available on the System 80 site and made several tweaks in text pertaining to the expansion unit elsewhere.

22nd October, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Frustrating floppy controller fix in a Dick Smith System 80 X-4020 Expansion Unit

21st October, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Mysterious RAM problems in two Dick Smith System 80 X-4020 Expansion Units

2nd October, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Restoring a second Dick Smith System 80 Part 4: Removing the yellow from the keys

2nd October, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Restoring a second Dick Smith System 80 Part 3: Instability and a CPU board swap

30th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Restoring a second Dick Smith System 80. Part 2: Cassette repair

28th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Restoring a 2nd Dick Smith System 80. Part 1: Missing memory fix

14th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Restoring three Dick Smith System 80 drives

12th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Wellington vintage computer haul

6th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled TRS-80 Model III fails to boot

6th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Kaypro II boot failure fix. A lesson in making assumptions

5th September, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Fixing an Atari 400 "garbage screen" issue

30th August, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article titled Faulty RAM traced to power supply in an Atari 800XL

27th August, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on A wavy video fix for a System 80 / Video Genie.

27th August, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on A Dick Smith System 80 / Video Genie parts haul.

30th July, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on Restoring a System 80 / Video Genie/ PMC-80 Part 5: Adding a switch for sound

27th July, 2010 - Uploaded a blog artcle on Restoring a System 80 / Video Genie/ PMC-80 Part 4: Another cassette issue fixed

11th July, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on restoring a System 80 / Video Genie/ PMC-80 Part 3: A replacement case, keyboard, RF cable and a cassette toggle switch

7th July, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on restoring a System 80 / Video Genie/ PMC-80 Part 2: Fixing a cassette deck problem

2nd July, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on Restoring a System 80 / Video Genie/ PMC-80 Part 1: Repairing a screen flicker issue

30th June, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on repairing a Dick Smith System 80/ Video Genie/ PMC-80 power supply unit.

29th June, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on fixing a disk corruption / reboot / no-boot problem on a System 80.

29th June, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on a Tandon TM100 -2A disk drive alignment on an IBM-PC (5150).

28th June, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on adjusting the radial alignment a Tandon TM100 -2A drive without an alignment disk.

17th June, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on Replacement rechargeable NiCad batteries for an Epson HX-20

12th April, 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on Repairing a Remex disk drive for a BBC (b).

4th April 2010 - Changed the TRS-80 Model 100 entry to include the NEC 8201a

24th March 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on Stocking up software for a Kaypro II.

6th March 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on the limitations of some replacement EPROMS.

4th March 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on diagnosing an apple IIe screen issue.

26th February 2010 - Uploaded a blog article on fixing a Kaypro II keyboard problem.

24th February 2010 - Uploaded two blog articles. One on fixing an NEC 8201a and the other on errors in the NEC 8201a service manual.

19th February 2010 - Uploaded two blog articles. One on a Kaypro keyboard substitution with a Model 100 and the other on getting CP/M disks written in a 1.2Mb drive on a P4!

10th February 2010 - Uploaded a blog article - Tips on buying a vintage computer

2nd February 2010 - Uploaded the original Kaypro II users guide for download

15th January 2010 - Uploaded a blog article "Smoke from a Kaypro II - The fault and the fix"

1st January 2010 - Uploaded a blog article "Maintaining an Atari 8-bit software collection using the Atarimax Universal SIO2PC Interface"

22nd December 2009 - Uploaded issue 4.3 (Nov, 1985) of NZ Bits and Bytes

21st December 2009 - Uploaded issue 4.1 (Sept, 1985) of NZ Bits and Bytes.

20th December 2009 - Uploaded issue 3.11 (Aug, 1985) of NZ Bits and Bytes.

13th December 2009 - Uploaded a service manual for the Micro Peripherals Model 51 and 52 Flexible Disk Drive (MPI-51, MPI-53)

9th December 2009 - Added two blog entries. One on cracking open a Compaq SLT/286 laptop computer, and the other on fixing the Dallas battery in that same machine.

14th November 2009 - Added Issue 4.4 (December 1985) to the New Zealand Bits and Bytes site AND wrote a blog entry describing a keyboard replacement for my Commodore Pet

4th November 2009 - Added a blog entry on my new NEC 8201a

5th October 2009 - Added Issue 4.2 (October 1985) to the New Zealand Bits and Bytes site.

4th October 2009 - Added Issue 3.9 (June 1985) to the New Zealand Bits and Bytes site.

3rd October 2009 - Added impressions of OS/2 2.1 to the blog site.

1st October 2009 - Added a new model to my collection, an IBM PS/2 Model 70. Also added a blog entry on the restoration of this machine.